Double Chin
BELKYRA® (KYBELLA®) is a patented formulation of deoxycholic acid manufactured by Allergan. Deoxycholic acid is a naturally occurring substance in our bodies that is used to dissolve fat.
If you are interested in a Belkyra® or Kybella® treatment, please contact our clinic for more information.*
Bra Bulge
Bra Bulge is the unsightly skin and fat pushed out from underneath the band or straps of your bra. This is known to make you feel self-conscious about your appearance. The fortunate thing is there are ways to eliminate it at Richmond Cosmetic & Laser Clinic.
Back Bulge
Back Bulge is typically caused by a lack of cardio or when a high concentration of salt or sugar is present in the diet. Due to many lifestyles, eating healthier or doing physical exercise isn’t always the most convenient way when trying to rid back bulge and that is why at Richmond Cosmetic & Laser Clinic, we are here to help.
Belly Fat
Unsightly belly fat is something we all want to avoid and with our fat dissolve program, we can help you achieve a much more toned-looking stomach. Please be sure to book a free consultation to know if this non-surgical treatment is right for you to help you improve your figure.
Frequently Asked Questions
BELKYRA® treatments are very convenient. One treatment take less than one hour, and requires no downtime, making it the perfect cosmetic procedure to have over lunch break.
Dr. Sahih will selects several injection sites where BELKYRA® is administered. The process is then repeated one to three months later. Users report noticeable effects after 12 weeks or at least 2 sessions. Maximum results can be seen after six months and are meant to be long-lasting.
This is a non-surgical injectable treatment for improvements. After a Belkyra treatment, there is also an inflammatory response that occurs. This inflammation causes the area to swell for several days, and causes the skin in that area to tighten up.